Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mongolia - Today

We're heading to the Russian border, with a half day's drive to the Mongolian border once we're in... so we should be in country before the night is done. That's pretty cool.

Wish us luck.

P.S. Mrs Cloud, your son did not do Karate on any border guards. He uses beard intimidation tactics, instead.


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of all of you!!!! Steven can thank his Dad for the beard. I am very happy you will be in Mongolia today. Please up date when you will be leaving. Take care
Love to all...Mom

Lee said...

Holy cow! Already in Mongolia. Rock!

Anonymous said...

Steven and Justin...keep moving.....Love Mom


Hey love,
I've bought your return home ticket. You will arrive in orlando on 8/15/08 @ 11:59 PM. I sent you the rest of the info. But now I can start counting down the days... *hehe* I miss you like crazy. Hope you and Steven are having a blast as a duo!

Anonymous said...

Good job Steve! I never had a doubt that you wouldn't make it. What an adventure to talk about!
I wonder if the red 57 chevy would have made the journey? haha
Stay in touch when you get back.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You guys are really making good time! Sounds like you will be finished up in no time! We really enjoyed your comparison of bribe tactics... it sounds like you need to have a variety of skills to survive a trip through that area of the world. Good work, and we look forward to seeing your photos!
---Dave (TARDwear)---

BroKelli said...

marie is ready for you to be home. so much in fact, she pulled out your high school yearbook to show me pictures of you. get back already so we can hear your stories.

rstevens said...

holy bananas! you guys covered more ground than captain kirk. or is that captain irkutsk?

Anonymous said... is 2:38 a.m. here. Praying you and Justin are moving along. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

crossing boarders must be very exciting!!! you must have had a jolly good time!!